Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I am shocked by the sheer lack of freedom that we claim and the appearance that through our claimed freedom  as christian how phony we become.

I am free. In him. I will serve him holding nothing back. I will surrender everything. I will be victorious.

Yet in it all.... and despite it all we say this;

I am free but feel condemned by the addictions of my flesh. In him... I am free but I haven't been in him on a daily and faithfully aching way. I will serve him holding nothing back but I just don't want to move there and I just don't want to work there and I feel like I would, could, maybe do more work for you over here. I will be victorious but it would be really nice if I could be victorious in the way of ya' know feel happy, have a nice happy marriage and live in a house with a Pickett fence.

I'm not saying having someone of those things are wrong, I'm not saying all of you say all of those things... well maybe I am.

Cause we are only fooling yourself to think we have not been in one of those places at one point in our lives. I can say it will certainty for the great men of old had the same thoughts and the same struggles.

Job 25

"Then Bildad the Shuhite answered and said: Dominion and fear are with God, he makes pece in his high heaven. Is there any number to his armies? Upon whom does his light not arise? How than can man be in the right before God? How can he who is born of woman be pure? Behold even the moon is not bright, and the starts are not pure in his eyes; how much less man, who is a maggot and the son of man, who is a worm!"

Feel discourage? Feel like you messed up? Feel unpure?

You are. You have. You have reason to be.

BECAUSE this faith you claim. These words you speak of victory and trust. The life you life that should be drastically different than anything this world has seen.

DOES NOT come from anything of you. How can who is born of woman be pure? You're not. You're sinful.

How can who is born of God be pure? Through blood on a cross. Through faith and forgiveness. A forgiveness that is over and over again.

When you find that victorious and place of true surrender in him. CLING TO IT. For few find it. And fewer maintain it.

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