Tuesday, September 27, 2011

People are worth it.

What I am listening too... Keep your Eyes open- The Reckoning- NEEDTOBREATHE

What I am drinking.... Healthy water :) Trying to clear up the skin on the face.

What am I reading... Marie Claire. A fun mag that not to trashy, has beauty, fashion and even world issues. This month has Reese in it. A personal favorite actress of mine.

And finally.. What's on my mind: Unfortunately this one won't be over and done with in a one sentence answer like the rest. I got a call today from the local mental health association. I have a volunteer interview for a position on there crisis distress line. Whoa. What an opportunity. It be able to hear individuals thoughts, hurts, cry's, pain, worries.

It make me think. About mental health. About how I deal with it. About how the church deals with it. About it all.

Which in turns leads me to think about the "Other side of the desk."

It's a poem on of my co-workers gave me. It hits home. It takes away judgement. It take us out of our self and begin to help us realize that this "we are better" attitude is nothing less than ignorance.

The Other Side of the Desk
Have you ever through just a wee little bit
Of how it would seem to be a "misfit"
And how you would feel if you had to sit
On the other side of the desk?

Have you looked at the kid who "seemed a bum"?
As he sat before you nervous.. dumb..
And thought of the courage it took to come
To the other side of the desk?

Have you thought to yourself: "It could be I"
If the good things in life had passed me by.
And maybe I'd bluster and maybe I'd lie
To the other side of the desk

Did you make him feel he was full of greed,
Make him ashamed of his race or creed;
Or did you reach out to him in his need
To the other side of the desk?

May we all have widsom, and lots of it,
And much compassion and plenty of grit,
So we may be kinder to those who sit
On the other side of the desk.

There are no words that I can add to that. Just think about it dwell on it. One car accident, one tramatic event, one lose of job, support system that fall through, a death, a pain or an ache, one sports accident gone wrong, one dumb decison that you can't take back and you will end up on the other side of the desk, on the other side of the phone, on the other side of everything.

So be thankful, know your blessed and understand that in a moment it can all be gone. Have understanding. Stop to look around you. See who needs extra help. Take the time to give it to them. Give take the time to just understand mental illness and other types as welll. Take the time to treasure and give extra attention to family in hard time. Just take the time.... People are worth it. And I would hope if it was me.. Someone would take the extra time to help me through it, to have coffee with me, to listen to me, and be a simple, yet, loyal friend.

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